The Datsma Story

We firmly hold the belief that data serves as the catalyst for a more intelligent tomorrow. Our objective is to serve as the leading platform that drives enhanced performance, enabling the creation of a smarter future in the present. We consistently strive to exceed boundaries and explore new possibilities, understanding that progress does not arise from repetitive actions. Therefore, we unite individuals and organizations, fostering a collaborative community that revolutionizes the field. Together, we are transforming the game.

Through our own firsthand experiences with various projects, we quickly recognized the transformative potential that lay within reach. The possibilities that unfolded before us left us inspired, even captivated. However, we encountered a challenge: the lack of accessible resources to acquire the specific objects we desired.

At that time, the options available were limited and, to be frank, not up to par. While we could have chosen to wait for someone else to develop a solution, we are not individuals who enjoy idly standing by. Instead, we took the proactive approach and made the decision to forge our own platform.

At the start, we used to say Datsma was ‘designed by users, however It wasn’t long before we added ‘with users’.

From the outset, we put quality first. Sounds like the sort of thing that everyone says, except that we didn’t just say it, we got on with doing it. We could have made life a lot easier for ourselves. We could have taken shortcuts. We could have got to a point and said ‘this’ll do’. But that’s not in our nature. What makes Datsma unique is that we’re users too and we have a simple test for everything we do. Would we choose to use it ourselves?

Blood, sweat and tears is probably a bit of an exaggeration, let’s just say there were long hours, plenty of pizza and a few bumps along the way. 

We’re a bunch of people passionate about the possibilities of Datsma. We love working with others who share our passion, people and businesses who are pioneering new ways to create better ways of working. At the start, we used to say BMG-Solution was ‘designed by users, for users’. It wasn’t long before we added ‘with users’, because we soon began to build a great community of manufacturers and specifiers at Datsma, sharing ideas and discovering opportunities.

We’ve come a long way and we’ve learned a lot. We still have stacks of ideas and we’ll never stop pushing what’s possible.

Together we’ll continue to champion a smarter future that works for everyone.

Daniel H
Datsma Founding Director