Imperial Shuttle
An elegant example that stands apart from typical brutish Imperial engineering, the Lambda-class shuttle is a multi-purpose transport used in the Imperial starfleet. The Empire pressed the shuttle into service for both cargo ferrying and passenger duty. Even the Empire’s elite, like Darth Vader and the Emperor Palpatine used these shuttles.
It has three wings: a stationary center foil and two articulated flanking wings. When in flight, the side wings fold out for greater stabilization. When landing, the wings fold in, shrinking the vessel’s silhouette.The well-armed vessel has two forward-facing double laser cannons, two wing-mounted double cannons, and a rear-facing double laser cannon. It is equipped with a hyperdrive.
The Imperial Shuttle was created by David Light (twitter follow @davewlight) who Joins the BIM World! Submit your components now and join him!
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Object metadata
- _authorAdam Ward
- _created by
- _current revision1
- ArmamentStandard configuration: on application
- Assembly CodeE1030
- Cargo Capacity (tonnes)80
- Cargo Handling SystemsPersonnel tractor beam (equipped when used as a rescue craft)
- ClassArmed Government Transport Shuttle
- Communication SystemsHoloNet transceiver (in some Imperial VIP models)
- Default Elevation1250 mm
- DescriptionSpecial Edition 2011
- Engine UnitsSFS-204 ion engines
- Escape PodYes
- HullReinforced durasteel/carbon fibre
- Hyoerdrive Rating1
- Hyperdrive SystemSFS S/ig-37 hyperdrive
- KeynoteX
- ManufacturerSienar Fleet Systems
- Maximum Acceleration3000
- Maximum Speed (atmosphere) km/h850 mm
- MGLT50
- Minimum Crew1
- ModelLambda-Class T-4a Shuttle
- Navigation SystemNavigation computer equipped
- Passengers20+
- ShieldingMultiple shield generators (Rated 100 SBD)
- Type CommentsIntroduce in year 19 BBY